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See how we helped Firstmovr process 10,000 leads instead of 1,000 with Zoho automation.


What we did:

Zoho automation to search and process leads from Linkedin

What is in progress:

• Creating an event database in Zoho CRM

• Creating trigger-based email campaigns

• Creating a process for running reports

• Creating an event database in Zoho CRM

• Building scripts

and something else that is part of their secret sauce

About client

Our friends at Firstmovr provide e-commerce education and consulting. They create industry events, conduct individual training and engage in strategic consulting. Their founder Oscar is a global eCommerce leader with over 16 years of experience and passion for leading eCommerce and digital transformation.

The problem

At the first meeting with Oscar, we discovered that the main flow of leads to webinars and online events comes from Linkedin. Leads are searched and processed manually, using Octopus CRM, Spreadsheet, and several managers. Due to this, the process hit its ceiling — with existing forces, they could only process 1,000 leads with a possible processing potential of 10,000.


Their team told us that the primary trigger to connect with a person is updating their workplace on Linkedin. We transferred their Spreadsheet to Zoho and made a feature that helps to fix all people who have changed jobs on Linkedin in Zoho CRM and sends them an automatic message. Thus, all managers need to do next is to continue communicating with those who responded to the welcome message. This allowed them to increase their processing capacity from 1,000 to 10,000 leads.

It's not over

We are currently working on the following automation for Firstmovr, such as creating an event database in Zoho CRM, creating a process for running reports, building scripts, creating trigger-based email campaigns, and something else that is part of their secret sauce.

We would love to walk you through some more details of this project or talk about the vision you have for your product.

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